Committees Duties

By Laws

Emerald Bay Community Church
We, the members of Emerald Bay Community Church, Inc., 160 LaSalle Dr., Bullard, Texas 75757, do hereby adopt these by-laws to promote the Christian faith and thus advance the cause of Christ, the King and Head of the church.

The name of the church shall be Emerald Bay Community Church.

The purpose of this church shall be as revealed in the New Testament. In pursuit of this purpose, we seek God’s direction as we join together for divine worship, study of the scriptures and Christian fellowship, to win people to faith in Jesus Christ and commit them actively to the church, to help them grow in grace and knowledge of Christ that increasingly they may know and do his will, and to work for the unity of all Christians and with them engage in the common task of building the Kingdom of God.
The Emerald Bay Community Church does not have a written statement (confession of faith or creed) setting forth its Tenets of Belief. However, it is herewith declared that the church holds to those articles and concepts of Christian faith ordinarily held by any Christian church. In summary: Belief in God the Father, Maker of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of God, and our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, crucified, dead, and buried; He rose on the third day and ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. Belief in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, and the resurrection of the body, and of life everlasting. We believe in and accept the Holy Bible as the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice.

ARTICLE Ill – Membership
The membership of the church and the formal roll of the church shall consist of those who have presented evidence of transfer from some other Christian church and those who have united by profession or statement of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and who subscribe to Article II, paragraph two.
EBCC Bylaws, rev. 8/20/2020, rev. 5/11/2021, p.1

Christian Education Policy

The Church Board appoints a Trustee responsible for the oversight of
Christian Education. The Board Trustee shall appoint a Director of Christian Education reporting to the Board Trustee. The Committee shall be chaired by the Director of Christian Education and consist of three or four church members, in addition to the Youth Minister if there is one. The Director in conjunction with the Board Trustee will appoint a Coordinator for Children’s Education if there is no Youth Minister, Vacation Bible School (VBS) and for Men’s Bible Study and Women’s Bible Study groups and they shall serve on the Committee.
The function of the committee is to provide opportunities for Christian growth through continuous learning programs and study materials for every age group in the Church. To enable this, the committee will:
1. Ensure that Bible Study classes (Sunday School classes for all ages, weekly Bible Study classes for men and women and youth programs) have suitable teachers, adequate materials and physical settings to provide maximum opportunities for spiritual growth. This may include childcare during study sessionsn The Committee will actively encourage Church members and visitors
to regularly attend these classes or activities. As the Church grows, the Committee will evaluate the need for new activities.
2. Provide structure for the Youth Minister/Coordinator and the Youth Program. The Youth Minister with the counsel of the Director will be responsible for preparing a calendar of activities and coordinating them for the youth group (including arranging chaperones when needed). Youth activities should include worship experiences, mission trips, retreats, lock-ins assisting in Vacation Bible School, sports activities, etc. The Youth Minister should provide updated information on a timely basis to all interested parties. If there is not a Youth Minister, the Director in conjunction with the Board Trustee
shall appoint a Children’s Education Coordinator fulfilling these responsibilities.
3. Appoint a Coordinator for Vacation Bible School (VBS). The VBS Coordinator with the help of the Committee will select the date and theme for VBS; purchase materials to be used; enlist the staff and direct the activities of VBS. The Christian Education Committee shall assist the VBS Coordinator as needed.
4. The Director shall coordinate and provide briefing and/or training for the coordinators and leaders enlisted for these activities, including Bible Study classes.
5. Provide teaching materials and supplies for the different groups.
6. The Director will coordinate meetings with Coordinators and Sunday School teachers with the Board Trustee present.
The following procedures and information should facilitate the funding of the above activities:
1. The Committee shall work with the Board Trustee in preparation of the annual Church budget for Christian Education.
2. The Budget will be submitted to the Church Budget Committee or Church treasurer as appropriate.
3. The budget should cover all expenses for the following:
a. All Bible Study groups (including food and childcare)
b. Children’s Education group studies and activities.
c. Vacation Bible School
d. Other educational programs which the Committee deems appropriate.
(continued) 3
4. All bills and/or receipts should be submitted to the Church Treasurer for payment or reimbursement
5. The Youth Minister shall be considered a Church employee, approved by the Church Board and paid biweekly/monthly as approved by the Church.
The Christian Education Committee (including the Director, Youth Minister if so employed, coordinator for Children’s Education, Men’s and Women’s Bible studies and VBS) should provide information to Church members about special needs, projects and opportunities for volunteers. This can be through Sunday bulletin announcements, public announcement from the pulpit, letters to members, bulletin board postings, Church newsletter and web site about Christian Education activities. This should include subjects being studied by the various Bible study classes.
Revised 08/19

Benevolence Policy

Emerald Bay Community Church
Benevolence Fund
Purpose & Mission: To respond to the needs (or perceived needs) of person requesting Assistance from Emerald Bay Church in a prudent and Christian manner.
1. Provide emergency fill or assistance to qualified people in need. The assistance is to come from the approved service map (specific boundaries).
2. Assist qualified families with food during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
1. Prepare an annual budget for the Church Board of Trustees’ approval. This budget will include a contingency fund to support organizations with emergency needs.
2. Be the contact group for the church to determine the needs of individuals and provide food and financial aid as needed.
3. Maintain records and reports monthly to the Board of Trustees of the monthly activities and expenditures.
4. Manage budget, check book, and maintain monthly bank statements.
5. Meet periodically to discuss recipients, situations, procedures, budget and in November and December Thanksgiving and Christmas for families.
Committee Membership: The Board of Trustees appoints the Committee Chair. A Board member serves on this committee as a voting member and a Board liaison and may serve as a chair. if so appointed.
24 April 2017

By-Laws & Policy

Emerald Bay Community Church
We, the members of Emerald Bay Community Church, Inc., 160 LaSalle Dr., Bullard, Texas 75757, do hereby adopt these by-laws to promote the Christian faith and thus advance the cause of Christ, the King and Head of the church.
The name of the church shall be Emerald Bay Community Church.
ARTICLE ll- Purpose
The purpose of this church shall be as revealed in the New Testament. In pursuit of this purpose, we seek God’s direction as we join together for divine worship, study of the scriptures and Christian fellowship, to win people to faith in Jesus Christ and commit them actively to the church, to help them grow in grace and knowledge of Christ that increasingly they may know and do his will, and to work for the unity of all Christians and with them engage in the common task of building the Kingdom of God.
The Emerald Bay Community Church does not have a written statement (confession of faith or creed) setting forth its Tenets of Belief. However, it is herewith declared that the church holds to those articles and concepts of Christian faith ordinarily held by any Christian church. In summary: Belief in God the Father, Maker of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of God, and our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, crucified, dead, and buried; He rose on the third day and ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. Belief in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, and the resurrection of the body, and of life everlasting. We believe in and accept the Holy Bible as the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice,
ARTICLE Ill – Membership
The membership of the church and the formal roll of the church shall consist of those who have presented evidence of transfer from some other Christian church and those who have united by profession or statement of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and who subscribe to Article Il, paragraph two.

Membership shall be terminated in the following ways: (1) death of the member, (2) exclusion by action of this Church, or (3) upon request of the individual or proof of membership in another Church.
ARTICLE IV — Pastor and Officers
A. Pastor
The Pastor is responsible for leading the Church to function as a New Testament church. As leader of pastoral ministries the Pastor will lead the congregation and world with the Board, staff, and committees toward the achievement of the Church’s mission to proclaim the Gospel to believers and unbelievers and care for the Church’s members and others in the community. Functions ordinarily performed by a licensed and ordained Christian minister and a congregation are characteristic of the function of Emerald Bay Community Church. These include administration of the sacraments of the Lord’s Supper, baptism, weddings, funerals, preaching of the Word, and a ministry of love and compassion for all people within the radius of the life and work of His church. The Pastor is the spiritual leader of the Church and should provide daily oversight, leadership, counsel, and direction of the Church staff under the direction of the Board.
B. Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall govern the affairs of the Church in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation. The Board will consist of nine (9) members, including the following officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer will also serve as the compensation committee.
Trustee qualifications:
1. Be an active member of Emerald Bay Community Church for at least 2 years prior to the beginning of their term.
Support the purpose of the church as outlined in the church by-laws,
3. Conduct ones lives in a way that supports the teachings as found in the Holy Bible
4. Promote good will and Christian fellowship in our congregation and community.
5 Regularly attend and support our church gatherings and activities.
6. Have a willingness to fulfill assignments that support the stated responsibilities of the
Trustees shall serve on the Board for a period of three (3) years or until their successors are elected or appointed by the board to fill their position. In case a vacancy occurs, a selection committee, appointed by the Chair and approved by the Board, composed of one Board member, as chair; at least two (2) members from the Church membership and the Pastor as a non-voting advisor shall vet candidates in the same manner as the annual election and make a recommendation to the Board. A church member appointed to fill a vacant position by the Board shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term of the position. Three (3) Trusteeships shall expire annually. No member may serve more than two consecutive three year terms on the Board of Trustees. A member may serve an unlimited number of three-year terms if so elected, but in the event that a member serves two consecutive terms, that member must take a hiatus of not less than three (3) years from the end of such two terms before being elected to another term.
The Board is responsible for oversight of all employees, establishing policies and procedures, preparation of an annual budget and stewardship thereof, an annual review of salaries, timely payment of bills, and creating and/or dismissing committees as necessary and appointing committee chairpersons, employing and/or terminating Church employees, other than the Pastor, and aiding and assisting the Pastor in the spiritual well-being of the Church. The Board may appoint or dismiss a Pastor with the approval of members present at a special meeting called for that specific purpose, with seven (7) days written notice. To appoint a pastor, two thirds of the members present and voting must approve. To dismiss a pastor, a majority of the members present and voting must approve. A Board member, Board members, or the entire Board may be dismissed by the congregation with a two-thirds approval of the membership present at a special meeting called for the specific purpose, with seven (7) days notice. The Board Chair will call this meeting upon written request by twenty percent (20%) of the membership.
C. Board Member Selection Process
A nomination committee, appointed by the Chair and approved by the Board, composed of one Board member, as chair, at least two (2) ad-hoc members from the Church membership, and the Pastor as a non-voting advisor will be announced in the Church bulletin the 1st Sunday of June. The nomination committee will be responsible for selecting vetting Church members nominated to expiring or open positions on the Board. Members of this Church æ-a-y are encouraged to contact any nomination committee member with suggestions of qualified members for consideration. A list of recommended nominees will be printed in or inserted into the Church bulletin no later than the last Sunday in August. An annual congregational meeting will be held the Tuesday before the first Sunday in September for the purpose of, but not limited to, confirming the nomination committee’s recommendation of Board Members, Vote shall be by show of hands and a simple majority present will elect confirm those nominated. Officers for the coming year will be elected by the Board of Trustees at a meeting immediately after the annual congregational meeting to elect Trustees, Officers will assume office September 1 st or at the adjournment of congregational meeting, whichever is latest.


Meetings regular meeting of the Board shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month, unless the Board orders otherwise. A special meeting may be held upon the call of the Chair or upon written request of five (5) Board members. Board meetings, except those portions of the regular meeting or a special meeting involving sensitive personnel matters, shall be open.
No funds of Emerald Bay Community Church shall benefit or be distributed to its members, officers, or other private persons, except that the church shall be empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of its purpose. The Board may authorize expenditures within the framework of the current budget and up to $5,000.00 for non-budgeted items. The Treasurer shall prepare monthly financial statements to be presented at each monthly meeting of the Board. Monthly financial statements shall be filed with the minutes and posted on the Church bulletin board. An external audit of the Church financial records shall be made at least every 5 years. An internal audit will be performed annually.
ARTICLE Vll — Indemnification
To the extent permitted or required by Article 1396.2-2.22a of the Texas Nonprofit Corporation Act, Emerald Bay Community Church may indemnify officers, trustees, and employees for liability incurred as a result of activities in the scope of their authority and/or in the course of their employment with said Church.
ARTICLE – Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the church, the board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the church, dispose of all the assets of the church exclusively for the purposes of the church in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law), as the board shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the court of common pleas for the county in which the principal organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
ARTICLE IX — Parliamentary Authority
The most recently revised version of Modern Edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all Board and business meeting of the church in all cases where they are not inconsistent with these by-laws or any special rules of order the Board may adopt. One such special rule of order is: rather than establishing a numerical minimum, we hereby decree that a quorum shall consist of those members present at a congregational meeting.

ARTICLE X – Amendments
These by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the membership by two-thirds vote of the membership present (quorum) with notice given of at least seven (7) days and shall include proposed amendment(s).



VVe, the undersigned naturar persons of the age of years or more, all of which are citizens of the St±te oi Texas, acting as corporators of Corporation under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act, ego hereby adopt the foilo*ing Articles of for such Corpo•ration:
The name of the Corporation is EMERALD BAY COMMUNITY CHURCH.
The Corporation is a non-profit Corporfitiorb

The period of its duration is perpetual ,

The Corporation Is formed for religious purposes to support”lhe pub* {ic worship of Almighty and the instruction fn the Christian religion and to be non—denominational.
The secular affairs of the Corporation shalt be• conducted by a Bonrd of Trustees who shall be no less than three (3) and no more than twelve (12) . The names and addresses of the•persons who are to servo as the Initin8 Trustees are:
1 . Dwight Haley, Sr., B Emerald Bay Drive, cmeraid Bay, Rt. Flint. Tx.
2. Byrdié NoHey, 153 S, Bay Bay, Rt. 1, Flint,
3. Helen Hjcks, 327 Fairway Drive, Emerald Baye Rt. Fiint, Tx.

The membership of the Corporation on the date of the grant of its Charter shan consist of ail persons who on such date are members of the unincnrporated association and thereafter on any specific date Shali consist of afi persons ‘vvho shall be enrolled as members of the Corporation pursuant to its

The Corporation shan have no capita} stock. Upon the date of the grant of its Charter,. it shall own and possess .such property as is now owned, and possessed by the Giincorporated associatiori.
Dwight Haley, Sr. shall bé the initial registered •agent, whose address
8 Emerald Bay Drive. Emerald Bay, Route Flint, TX, whifh j.s the Initial Registere
Offi ce
The Corporation shall have the powers conferred it by the laws of the State of Texas, including the power to receive•and accept al! lawful gifts, devises and bequests, and to purchase and own and hold iitlé to real and persma! property and to dispose of the same In accordance with .its Bylaws, the laws of the State of Texas, and the Internal Revenue Code&
The name and address of each Incorporator is:
I. Dwight Haley, Sn, 8 Emerald Bay Drive, Emerald Bay, Rt. 1, Flint, TX
2. Byrdie No!iey, 153 S. Bay Drive. Emerald Bay, at. Flint, TX.
3. Helen Hicks, 327 Fairway Drive, Emerald Bay, Rt. Flint, TX.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto day of June, 1974.

l, the. undersignede a Notary. Pubtic, do hereby .certify ihat On this day of June, •1974, personäiiy appeared before me, DWIGHT HALEY ; SR & r BYRDIE NOLLEYf and HELEN HICKS* who each.being by me first sworn, severally declared that they are the persons whO signed the foregoing document as Incorporators* .and.that the•s.tatements therein contained are true.

In witness whereof, have he_reunto set my hand and seal the day and year before written,

Church Use Policy

The. use of Emerald Bay Community Church physical facilities is intended primarily for church-sanctioned activities involving its members. Such use shall take precedence over use by any other groups or individuals.
Requests by non-member families who are residents of Emerald Bay and the surrounding residential areas to use EBCC for the funeral and/or memorial service of a loved one should usually be considered favorably. For a funeral and/or memorial service, there shall be no charge for the Church facilities. However, a gratuity for ministers, musicians and/or custodians is encouraged, and should be coordinated through the Church offce. The approval for such fumerals and/or memorials is the responsibility of the Pastor, or in his absence, the Board Chairman.
The use ofEBCC for weddings involving church members and non-members will be governed by the requirements listed in the Church Board approved Wedding Policy. (Attached)
Insofar as use of the church facilities by other Faiths, e.g. Catholic or Protestant, does not interfere with any EBCC activities, it is customary to grant approval. Concurrence by the Pastor and approval by the Board is necessary before such use commences. Caution should be used to avoid approving church use by any religious cult (as identified or defined by the Pastor).
Although not a requirement for use, the group involved should understand that contributions to defray extra cost of utilities and janitorial services are appropriate and will be appreciated by EBCC.
Community activities such as exercise groups, clogging classes, seminars, luncheons, etc., are welcome to use church facilities upon acquiring the necessary approval from the Pastor and the Church Board. Normally, a group would be expected to leave the area of the church used in its original condition, thereby eliminating the need for extra cleaning and/or maintenance. Use of technical equipment such as the television and VCR is permitted, assuming reasonable precautions are taken in the care of the devices.
* *All activities listed items B, C, D, & E must be coordinated in.the church omce and all groups and individuals requesting use of the church facilities must complete a reservation form.
Revised August, 2007
The wedding ceremony is one of the most sacred of the church. It is an occasion for the worship of God where a man and woman pledge themselves to each other in holy wedlock.
It is the desire of the Emerald Bay Community Church, the pastor and the staff to make every wedding a memorable, beautiful and meaningful event. In order to maintain a regular practice with regard to weddings and to make available to inquiring bridal parties the accepted customs of the church, the following policies and procedures for weddings in Emerald Bay Community Church have been established and approved by the Directors of the Church.
Emerald Bay Community Church will accept wedding requests from members under the following criteria:
* All requests must be made by an active member of Emerald Bay Community Church.
* Active members of the church include the active member, the children of the active member and the grandchildren of the active member. Any other family relationship to an active member must be submitted as a NON-NIEIvfBER.
Anyone not falling under the category ofMEMBER ELIGIBILITY.
Members of the Emerald Bay Community Church are given preference over nonmembers. Therefore, reservations are not to be scheduled for non-members more than 90 days in advance.
The Emerald Bay Community Church Wedding Coordinator will be the primary contact for all weddings, receptions and rehearsals in the church.
* Weddings, receptions and rehearsals will be scheduled only on days that the Coordinator approves.
* New Year’s eve or New Year’s day.
* Easter weekend (Friday through Sunday).
* Memorial Day weekend.
* July 4th (when falling orn Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday or Monday). * Labor Day weekend.
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* Thanksgiving weekend, Thanksgiving day or the day after Thanksgiving.
* The week prior to Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas day or the week after Christmas.
* Any date that conflicts with other scheduled events of the church.
* No Saturday weddings permitted past 6:00 pm in the Church
* If anyone other than the Minister of Emerald Bay Community Church is desired for the ceremony, the visiting Minister must contact the EBCC Minister to receive an invitation to preside in the church.
* The Church Coordinator will secure a written agreement signed by the person responsible for the wedding and the Coordinator. A deposit of $500.00 will be obtained from the person responsible for the wedding. The deposit will be refunded providing all provisions of the church policies are met and no damages to the church facilities are found as a result of actions by the wedding, reception or rehearsal participants. The deposit is in addition to any charges that .are outlined under the “Wedding Fees” section.
All music and sound needs must be approved by the Emerald Bay Community Church Minister of Music. Only sound technicians from EBCC may be used for the ceremonies. The pianist and/or organist must be approved by the Minister of Music.

The wedding rehearsal will be scheduled the day prior to the wedding and will be coordinated with the Church Coordinator. It will be the responsibility of the person responsible for the wedding to ensure that all parties in attendance are informed of the church policies and procedures. Any violations may result in the forfeiture of all or a portion of the deposit.
If desired, the Fellowship Hall of the church can be made available for a reception after the wedding. The Church Coordinator must approve the plans and schedule for this occasion.
Seasonal decorations or furnishings ofthe church are not to be moved or removed.

No decorations or coverings shall be used which will hide from clear view the
Page 3 worship symbols, which includes stained glass windows and windows separating the Foyer and the Sanctuary.
* Any furniture needing to be removed from the pulpit area will be approved by the Church Coordinator and will be moved by church personnel.
* No tacks, pins, nails, paste or tape of any kind will be used to fasten any decorations to furniture, walls or windows. Only wired wrapped ribbon is to be used to fasten bows on any part of the church furniture. Only glass covered and contained candles will be permitted.
Floor must be covered with plastic and palm leaves around candelabras.
The florist must obtain permission from the Church Coordinator before placing any floral arrangements and be present to remove all decorations the same day of the wedding.
The Church Wedding Coordinator must approve photography plans.
Any food, drinks or tableware needs will be the responsibility ofthe person responsible for the wedding. The church coffee urn may be used but urn must be cleaned after using.
Church classrooms may be used for dressing rooms.
Restrooms will be open and available. No hair washing is permitted in the lavatories, wash basins or sinks.
Absolutely no alcohol, drugs or smoking is allowed in or on church property.
* No food or drink, other than bottled water, will be allowed in the sanctuary. There is to be nothing thrown in the church, walkways. or yard area surrounding the church, such as rice, birdseed, confetti, etc. Bubbles outside the church are permitted.
The Church Coordinator will see that the church building is opened ample time prior to the wedding .time and will set all A/C and/or heat temperatures to ensure comfortable surroundings. Under no circumstances are the thermostats set by the Coordinator to be changed.
The Emerald Bay Security must be contacted to make arrangements for guests to enter the community. Any requirements by EB Security will be made known by them.

Facilities Policy

Emerald Bay Community Church Facilities & Maintenance Committee
Purpose: To maintain and repair all church facilities.
Work with the Vice-Chairman in the maintenance and repair of all Church facilities.
Prepare monthly reports to the Vice-Chairman of all activities, including completed work and not yet completed.
Prepare an annual budget for anticipated expenses.
Recommend to the Vice Chairman items of major expense requiring Board approval.
Maintain and repair all Church facilities located in our Church buildings.
Maintain and repair lawns, shrubs, sprinkler system, parking area, outside lighting, pond area, trees, and drainage.
Maintain and repair all necessary service system including:
Electrical systems
Plumbing systems
Air conditioning and heating systems
Pest control
Carpet cleaning
Submit to the Vice-Chairman recommendations for the purchase of equipment or major expense items for approval by the Church Board.
Committee Membership:
The Chairman is appointed by the Church Board, based upon the recommendation of the Vice Chairman. At least two committee members are to be appointed by the Committee Chairman.
Reviewed Sept 2016

FellowshipMeals Policy

Job Description
Committee: Meal Ministry/Funerals
Responsibilities: This committee chair will be appointed by the chairman of the board. A board member will be appointed to serve as the liaison between the committee chair and the board.
The ministry will have three functions with leaders that oversee them. They are:
Sunday Fellowship Following Church Service
Potluck Dinners
Each function will have a group leader, appointed by the chairman of the board, and that leader will have volunteers who will serve with him/her to carry out the responsibilities that are assigned to their particular duty.
Funerals: For funerals/memorial services, the church will provide a meal at the church, or family home, for the immediate family and out-of-town guests, This will be provided either prior to or following the service.
If the family wishes to greet their guests, following the service, at a reception in the fellowship hall, cookies, coffee, and tea/lemonade will be served. If they chose to greet guests in the sanctuary, no reception food will be provided.
If the family wishes to host/cater a dinner for their family and out-of-town guest, the fellowship hall may be used and paper goods will be provided by the church. Family would be responsible to leave the fellowship hall and kitchen clean.
After the pastor has met with the family, he will notify the church administrator and she will contact the family to determine their wishes regarding food. She will then notify the chairman of the food ministry team who will contact the appropriate team of volunteers to provide the food.
The leader of the meal ministry is responsible for keeping the kitchen properly stocked with paper goods and other supplies used for all food events.
Sunday Fellowship: The leader of the meal ministry oversees this event. The church provides the coffee and juice. Donut holes and cookies are provided unless the host doesn’t want them. A sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board for volunteers to commit to providing and serving food after the service each Sunday. If there are no volunteers for a particular Sunday, the meal ministry leader will provide and serve.
Potluck Dinners: The leader of this event is responsible for coordinating the potluck dinners, held three times a year. (Usually in October, January, and May.) The potluck dinner leader is responsible for securing volunteers to set up, serve, and clean up after the meal.

Financial Policy

Emerald Bay Community Church
Financial Policies as of May 2020
Since its establishment in the late 1970’s, Emerald Bay Community Church has relied on God inspired contributions and offerings to finance all Church activities and financial obligations. Stewardship involving pledges and/or monetary commitments has been successfully left to individual members and their prayerful commitment to Church needs. No formal Stewardship program with yearly pledges has been necessary.
The church is responsible for maintaining adequate financial records at the church facilities. Members may review the financial records by request to the Finance Committee. The church financial records or copies will not be removed from the church premises without the Board of Trustees approval. The record keeping systems may only be altered with the approval of the Board of Trustees.
Monthly financial reports of expenditures and receipts are posted on a public bulletin board and distributed to the Pastor and the Board of Trustees.
AUDIT (approved April 19, 2017)
A professional audit of the financial procedures and records of the church shall be made randomly and unannounced sometime within every three years, at the decision of the Board, paid for out of the administrative contingency funds of the church budget.
This will mean that enough money will need to be incorporated into the administrative contingency funds section of the budget each year to cover the cost of an audit should it be decided to implement the audit in that year.
The church Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Finance Committee, is authorized to open and close church bank accounts under the control and authority of the church. Only bank accounts controlled by the church may be allowed to use the church’s federal identification number.
p. 1
The annual budget is presented to the congregation for approval no later than January 15 each year. Budget requests are submitted to the Finance Committee by Board of Trustees members in consultation with committee members for assigned areas of responsibility. A proposed budget is submitted by the Finance Committee to the Board of Trustees for its approval before being presented to the congregation.
Church members and nonmembers can reserve the church facilities for personal use if the reservation is not in conflict with the church’s schedule. Fees are set by the Finance Committee for usage that requires additional janitorial service. This includes Wedding Fees.
Only approved individuals may use the church credit card according to the church permitted guidelines.
Individuals can give designated gifts for the ministry of the church. However, the designated account must be established by the Board of Trustees before the church receives the donation.
The church treasurer and other designated individuals are responsible for the disbursement of church funds according to the budget adopted by the church. Two signatures are required for the disbursement of funds; exceptions can be made in an emergency. Likewise, funds shall not be disbursed without an adequate receipt or invoice being provided by the individual requesting the funds.
The members of the Finance Committee are selected annually by the Church Board of Trustees and will normally be composed of at least two Church members, not currently on the Board, plus the Church Treasurer, who is designated the Chair person for the Committee.
p. 2
The church fiscal year begins January 1 and concludes December 31.
Contribution statements are provided to each church member annually in January.
Two persons will open all incoming mail that is not addressed to an individual or is not apparent business correspondence such as an invoice or sales material. Any cash or checks will be initialed on the envelope in which it was received by both employees and stamped for endorsement. Cash and check contributions will be counted by the Money Counting Team and deposited every Monday. Receipts are posted to ACS and QuickBooks by posting to the appropriate general ledger account.
Memorial contributions are designated by the family to support specific ministry areas, including benevolence, missions, music, or pond. Undesignated general memorial contributions are available for discretionary use by the Board of Trustees as decided in their October 19, 2019 meeting (see minutes). All memorials are acknowledged by the church to the donor and to the family.
MONEY COUNTING (approved April 19, 2017)
Either the church Treasurer or someone that he or she appoints shall be present weekly to observe the counting of the offerings and donations as it is counted, recorded, and placed in the locked bag in preparation for depositing into our Southside Bank Account.
The church insures the church property at the fair market value. At least every two years, the building and grounds committee should review the church’s current liability and property coverage. Also, the Facilities Committee should conduct a church safety tour annually.
The goal of the church is to maintain three months of reserve funds to be used in the case of emergency or temporary budget shortfall.
The church does not have a Stewardship campaign or utilize pledges. Members are encouraged to prayerfully consider what they can contribute and to offer to God what is on their heart to give.
Members are encouraged to support the ministry of the church through regular gifts and offerings to the general operating budget of the church.

Long Range Planning Policy

1. Policy
To develop and recommend perpetual plans •which project and provide for the needs of Emerald Bay Community Church over a five to ten year period,
Il. Committee
A committee of six people will be appointed by the Church Board during the September meeting each year and will be composed of the following:
1. . Immediate Past Chairman of the Board — Chairman
2. Current Chairman of the Board
3. Current Vice Chairman of the Board
4. Current Treasurer of the Board
5. Two non-Board Church members (at large)
6. The Pastor will serve as an advisory member of the Committee
Types of Long Range Planning
1. Church personnel
2. Church buildings and property
3. Overall Church ministry
4. Assistance in living
5t Finances and offerings
6. Policies and procedures
7. Other Long Range Planning as required
IV. Objectives (and Tasks)
1. Appoint committees to assist in developing a Long Range Plan for each area.
2. Meet at least monthly with a sense of urgency to develop plans for the future.
3. Prepare a five to ten year plan for each type of plan.
4. Review and revise plans annually as needed:
51 Provide reports to the Church Board including recommendations for their consideration.
V. Philosophy
It is extremely important to recognize that Long Range Planning is the major function and objective of this committee — not to implement those plans. The Church Board and the Church members are responsible for implementation.
The Pastor
The Pastor will serve as an advisor to each subcommittee.
12 July 2002

Membership Policy

1. Article Ill of the By-Laws states the administrative conditions for membership in EBCC. The official church roll shall contain the names and mailing addresses of all persons who have openly and clearly made written and/or verbal commitments for membership (for new members, announcement in a Sunday bulletin and/or introduction from the pulpit is sufficient to satisfy this requirement).
2. Regular attendees, but non-members, will be listed in an addendum to the church roll to facilitate communication, e.g., church mail and Other official notifications about church activities, if desired.
3. Friends of the church and contributors who are not regular attendees, but perform services and/or make contributions to the church should also be listed in an addendum to the church roll, indicating whether or not they desire receiving church mailouts.
Article m, Section B, indicates the procedures for removing names from the church roll. Except in cases of death, the removal of a name(s) requires at least the concurrence of the Pastor and the Chairman, and may require Board approval at the discretion of the Chairman.
Article Il, Paragraph two, contains the essence of Christian beliefs followed by EBCC; consequently, those eligible for membership. must subscribe to these concepts.
The procedure for becoming a member of EBCC is stated below and is routinely printed on the last page of every Sunday bulletin:
Our by-laws state that a person may join the church by profession of faith in Jesus Christ or transfer of membership from another Christian church. If you desire to be affiliated with this congregation, talk to our Pastor after worship service on Sunday or in the church office during weekdays.

The repeating of the Rite of Baptism is not a requirement for membership in EBCC. However, for those members making their initial professions of faith as new Christians, baptism (immersion) is encouraged (expected) as symbolically following the example of the Lord Jesus.
Meetings of church members will occur at least twice each calendar year the first in early January for the primary purpose of approving the church budget for the year, and the second as provided in the by-laws (the Tuesday before the first Sunday in September) to elect Church Board members for the church year (l September through 31 August of the following year). Other membership or congregational meetings may be held upon approval of the Church Board.
25 August 2001

Trustee Missions Policy

Emerald Bay Community Church Missions
As a New Testament Church committed to the ideals of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:1920), Emerald Bay Community Church supports both domestic and foreign missions. As the church budget permits, ten to twenty percent of contributions are to be used for mission programs. Also, consideration should be given for additional support to those programs from any surplus funds acquired by the church.
The Church Board of Trustees is responsible for making recommendations to church members for changes in the missions programs currently supported. These recommendations shall be reflected in the annual church budget presented in January of each year. Additions, deletions, and modifications to these programs during the year shall have the approval of the church members based on a complete explanation and rational from the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees appoints a Trustee responsible for the oversight of Missions. The Board Trustee shall appoint a Missions Chair reporting to the Board Trustee. The appointment shall be for a period of one year.
The Board Trustee in conjunction with the Missions Chair shall appoint the Missions Committee. The Committee shall be chaired by the Missions Chair and consist of four to six church members. Final approval shall be the responsibility of the Trustee.
The Missions Chair and Committee shall work with the Board Trustee in preparation of the annual church budget for missions. The Board Trustee shall submit a prepared budget to the Church Budget Committee or to the Church Treasurer as requested by the Treasurer.
Periodic visits to Emerald Bay Community Church by missionaries supported by the church are encouraged. These visits are usually scheduled during their vacation time in the United States. The Mission Chair shall keep the Pastor of Emerald Bay Community Church and the designated Board Trustee informed of all scheduled missionary visits for the church. The Pastor shall
Missions, rev. 10/2/2019 — page 1
provide any pertinent information to the Mission Chair or designated Board Trustee that is deemed necessary for further review prior to a scheduled visit to the church. Following approval by the Board of Trustees or designated Board Trustee, the church shall provide reasonable travel expenses for these visits.
The Missions Chair shall keep the church family informed of scheduled missionary visits to the church. This can be accomplished through Sunday bulletin announcements, announcements from the pulpit, church website, bulletin board postings, etc.
The purpose of this document is to inform the Emerald Bay Community Church Board, Mission Chair, and Committee members of the new mission partner’ personal and ministry status. Also, this information will assist the Mission Chair and Committee members regarding their decision for possible support for their ministry. The Board of Trustees shall make the final approval decision.
Preference shall be given to the support of relatives of Emerald Bay Community Church members who are committed to vocational ministries as missionaries, seminary students, and underpaid lay employees of church religious organizations.
Missions, rev. 10/2/2019 — page 2

Trustee Music Policy

I. Music Committee: The Music Committee is composed of a trustee from the Board of Trustees (Board), the Music Director (MD), the Church Pastor (ex officio) and possibly other Church members appointed by the Board.
Il. Professional Staff
A. Music Director: The Board is responsible for employing a qualified person as Music Director. Such employment requires the recommendation of the Music Committee, a majority of the adult choir and the Board.
1. The Music Director is responsible for coordination of all music in the worship services of the church. He/She is to work with the Pastor in planning worship services, including Sunday services and special occasions, e.g., Good Friday, Christmas Eve and Easter Sunrise.
2. The VID will maintain a list of substitute organists and pianists who are qualified to play the instruments on special occasions or when regular accompanists are not available. No one is to play the organ without prior approval of the MD or the organist.
B. Organist: The Board will employ the best qualified person available as church organist, based on the recommendations of the Music Director and the Music Committee.
1. The organist will play for all worship services and for such special occasions as he/she may agree upon with the N’ID. It is desirable that the organist be present for all rehearsals of the choir; however, special arrangements may be necessary to minimize travel and other conflicts. The organist will advise the IVID when the organ needs tuning or repair.
2. Weddings and Funerals: The organist is not required to play for weddings or funerals unless arrangements are made between the organist (and/or pianist) and ND. Honorariums are expected for these special events.
C. Pianist: The Board will employ the best qualified person available as church pianist, based on the recommendation of the Music Director.
1. The pianist will assist in rehearsals of choirs, soloists and ensembles as directed by the MD. He/She will also play for congregational singing at worship services and perform such other related musical duties as the MD may require.
2. Weddings and Funerals: See B.2. above.
D. Professional Staff Compensation: Terms of employment, including pay, vacation, sick leave and other personnel matters will be determined by the Board at the time of employment.
111. Other Responsibilities of the Music Director
A. Repairs and Maintenance: The MD will maintain a list of qualified piano tuners and organ technicians to provide any needed repairs or replacement of worn or damaged components and will authorize repairs and/or replacements as required. If costs exceed the budget, Board approval should be obtained. In an emergency, approval of the Board Chairman is sufficient. The sanctuary organ should be tuned once a year; the sanctuary and rehearsal pianos should be tuned twice a year; other church pianos should be tuned once a year.
B. Coordination: The NID shall work with the Church Operations Committee to maintain favorable temperature and humidity in rooms where musical instruments and component parts are located.
C. Choir Robes: Choir robes should be dry cleaned at least once a year. An estimate of the cleaning cost should be provided for in the annual music budget. The IVID, or the designated church agent, shall determine the best price and service and make the necessary arrangements. Individual robes may be cleaned ahead of schedule when necessary. The MD is responsible for estimating the cost of additional or replacement robes and providing that information for the annual budget.
D. Music Repertoire: The MD will maintain a library of music suitable for the choir, instruments and ensembles, including the hand bell
choir. Additional literature may be purchased each year as needed, with cost included in the annual budget. Only the MD may authorize these purchases.
IV. Musical Performance Groups
A. Adult Choir: The adult choir is the primary musical group of the Church. It is expected to provide leadership in musical worship, and to provide special music as often as feasible. The choir is a voluntary organization and, unless the Board approves, no member is to be paid for his/her services.
B. Soloists and Ensembles: Participation of church members by vocal or instrumental solos or ensembles is to be encouraged. Those who wish to participate must audition with the MD, who will arrange for any necessary coaching and/or rehearsal. Special music should be of sufficient quality to enhance worship.
C. Hand Bells: As feasible with the availability of qualified musicians, the VID will direct a hand bell choir or appoint a competent person to do so. The NID is to ensure all hand bells are carefully polished and stored between rehearsals and performance and ensure proper care of other equipment associated with the bell choir.
Revised: October 2017

Trustee Personnel Policy

Emerald Bay Community Church Personnel Policy for Non-Ordained Employees
The church office should be opened and staffed by the church administrative staff from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday, except for the specified holidays noted below and at additional times as instructed by the Pastor or the Board Chairman. Extra hours to be opened and staffed would be for events such as funerals, special events, etc. Overtime hours for hourly staff must be approved in advance by a supervisor.
The Church Administrator and Administrative Assistant are entitled to two weel C. SICK AND PERSONAL BUSINESS DAY LEAVE
The administrative staff, from the beginning of employment, may have up to three days off with pay per year for illness and two personal days off. After one year of continuous employment, this will increase to five days off with pay per year for illness and two personal days off. Authorized pay for time off for illness beyond this specified number of days is subject to the approval of the Church Board. The Music Director and the instrumentalists, from the beginning of employment, may have up to two Sundays and two Mondays off with pay for illness and an additional Sunday and Monday off with pay for illness after one year of employment. Pay for time off beyond the number of days specified above is subject to the approval of the Church Board.
Revised 12/21/2016
Updated per subsequent Board actions 7/14/2017 and 10/1/2019
For church administrative staff, the following holidays will be observed: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, the Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving week and three days at Christmas. When a holiday occurs on Saturday, the preceding Friday will be observed as the holiday. The three days for observing the Christmas holidays will be determined each year by the pastor.
Emerald Bay Community Church, as the employer, will pay the church’s part of the Social Security for all employees as required by Federal Law, and the employee’s part will be deducted from each employee’s pay check.
Pay and salary will be based on an annual review conducted by the church’s Compensation Committee composed of the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Treasurer of the Church Board. The Music Committee will make recommendations to the Compensation
Committee regarding pay for the Music Director and the instrumentalists. The Compensation Committee will solicit input and recommendations from all appropriate sources and their recommendations will be subject to the final approval of the Church Board during the annual budget review process.
All employees shall be given an annual performance review, both written and oral. This annual review will be given by the Pastor regarding the administrative staff and the Music Director and given by the Board Chair regarding the Pastor. The instrumentalists will be given this review by the Music Director. This should be done in December of each year.
After one full year of employment, an employee who is involuntarily terminated, due to no fault of their own, will receive one month’s severance pay. An employee resigning from employment at his/her own volition will not be entitled to a termination payment. The Board, at its discretion, may choose to award a cash gift of appreciation.
Revised 12/21/2016
Updated per subsequent Board actions 7/14/2017 and 10/1/2019

Trustee Safety Policy

Emerald Bay Community Church
Safety Ministry
Safety Policies

Emerald Bay Community Church
160 La Salle Road
Bullard, TX 75757
Office – 903-825-3642 Fax – XXXXXXXXX
DO NOT READ FURTHER unless you are authorized to do so
P refa
At the time these policies are being written, Emerald Bay Community Church has no written emergency plans. Its employees, volunteers and parishioners have minimal to no training to address emergencies that may occur at church functions.
Potential and actual safety threats can take many forms from the fender-bender or member who falls in the parking lot to the suddenly ill worshiper needing medical assistance … from a child that a parent suddenly realizes is missing to dealing with an imminent severe weather threat from the fire alarm that triggers in the kitchen to the armed terrorist that we hope never appears at the doors of Emerald Bay Community Church.
The longer-term goal of the Emerald Bay Community Church Safety Committee will be to have a team of individuals at each church function trained and prepared to respond promptly and correctly to the wide variety of potential emergency situations whether small or large.
We are beginning the journey. But one thing we know for certain Prior preparation is the key to responding correctly to any emergency situation. This Policies and Procedures Manual is largely intended to guide team members in preparing and responding to potential and foreseeable emergency situations.
Over time, as we learn and grow in our knowledge and capabilities, this document, too, very probably will be revised and enhanced. This is a journey.
Policies .
Table of Contents
Introduction to the Safety Ministry
A. Mission Statement
B. Purposes
C. Mindset
2. Definitions
3. Safety Teams
A. Composition
i. Team Leader ii. Disciplines iii. Multiple Roles. 10 iv. Size of Teams . 10 v. Improvising 10 B. Responsibilities 10 C. Chain of Command 10
D. Safety Team Members
E. Safety Team Member Duties and Responsibilities 12 Director of Safety ii. Assistant Director of Safety iii. Safety Team Leaders iv. Safety Team Members
F. Safety Team Training G. Safety Team Equipment
H. Training and Announcements for Parishioners.
4. Church Policies
A. Weapons
B. Bags/Backpacks/Containers C. Disruptive Behavior
Policies ………….
D. Masks 18
E. Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs . . 18
F. Paid Security 18
G. Additional Assistance 1 8
5. General Procedures 1 9
A. Scheduling . 19 B. Reporting 19
C. Communications . 19
D. Patrolling
E. Additional Protection . .21 Children .21 ii. Pastor .21 iii. Property .21
F. Additional Assistance . .21
i. Dialing 91 1 .21 G. Post-Incident Procedures . .23
6. General Types of Emergencies. 24
7. General Types of Responses
8. Safety Team Responses Specific Incidents
A. Suspicious Persons
B. Violence or Criminal Activity
C. Protestors
D. Lockdowns and/or Shelter-in-Place Orders
E. Weather Emergencies
F. Medical Emergencies
G. Evacuation Plan
H. Considerations Particular/Unique to Emerald Bay Community Church .32
l. All Clear Announcement

9. Information Sources .32
10. Legal Matters .33 A. Indemnification and Insurance……
B. Nondiscrimination .33 C. State and Federal Law 34
1 1 Documents and Forms .35
Appendix A: Contact Information .
Appendix B: Church Security Resources.. 37 Appendix C: Location of Safety Equipment and Resources. ……………..39
Appendix D: Safety Team Application 40
Appendix E: Emerald Bay Community Church Incident Report
Appendix F: Evacuation Zones .42
Appendix G: Building Exits
Appendix H: Assembly Areas
Policies ,. .

Worship Policy

PURPOSE: Ensure worship services meet needs of the majority of congregation’s members.

Advise the Pastor on need for services during special seasons.
Ensure a variety of hymns are used in worship services. Secure a communion set-up sub-committee
Meet on a regular basis as determined by need, but not less than once a quarter.
Members serve as contact persons for worship service suggestions made by members of the congregation.
Coordinate with Music Committee on any suggestions for hymns. Work with Pastor on any suggested changes in the Order of Worship.
Be sensitive to the worship need of the congregation and work with Pastor in affecting a more meaningful worship experience.
Suggest the kinds of services desired during special seasons. Supervise communion set-up sub-committee.
Comprised of a Chairman and five members appointed by the Committee

Yearly Calendar outline

Emerald Bay Community Church
Board of Trustees Yearly Calendar
August/September (depending on calendar)
The approved slate of proposed Board members shall be voted upon in a Congregational meeting to the held on the Tuesday before the 1st Sunday in September. Officers for the next year are elected immediately following the congregational meeting.
Officers will assume office September 1st or at the adjournment of the Congregational Meeting, whichever is latest. Church Staff will host a Board Workshop prior to the first meeting of the newly elected Board of Trustees if requested by new Board Chair.
Committees begin Budget preparation the 1st week of October with a Special workshop and complete the process with a Second Special Meeting the last week of October. They will be asked to address this year’s needs and to begin preparation to define goals for a 5-year Plan to submit to the Long Range Planning Committee in January.
Committees prepare and submit their proposed Budgets to the Board for approval at the regularly scheduled meeting on the 2 nd Wednesday of the month.
Church office sends copies of proposed Budget to the membership by email (or mail) approximately two (2) weeks prior to the annual membership meeting.
Congregational meeting held to approve budget no later than January 15 th .
Long Range Planning Committee works to formulate an achievable 5-10 Year Plan for the Church using the Committee goals submitted to them.
January through June
The Board of Trustees oversees the implementation of approved goals for the year, with monthly committee reports on progress of work.
Nomination Committee is approved by the Board at the May meeting. Committee chair is a Board member, who recruits at least two (2) members from the Church membership to serve, with Pastor as non-voting advisor.
Names of the Nomination Committee members will be announced in the Church bulletin the first Sunday in June. Recommendations are solicited from the congregation in the newsletter and Sunday bulletins.
Nomination Committee presents a list of candidates being considered to the Board for review.
Nomination Committee presents final slate to the Board for consideration and discussion at the August meeting. Vote is not required.